Marvin Ward is inducted into the National UPHA Tom Moore Hall of Fame at the UPHA Convention in Nashville TN on Saturday January 6th, 2012.
In 2015, Amanda received the prestigious Shirley Parkenson Trainer Achievement Award at the National UPHA Convention in Savannah, Georgia.

2011 - Jay Love named the UPHA Chapter 17 Ambassador of the Year.

2010 - Pro Am Benefit Classic Horse Show dedicated to Marvin and Audrey Ward

2010 - Hannah Swanson named the UPHA Chapter 17 Juvenile of the Year

2008 - Amanda Ward named UPHA Chapter 17 Horseperson of the Year

2006 - Jan Henderson named UPHA Chapter 17 Amateur of the Year

2004 - Audrey Ward named UPHA Chapter 17 Horseperson of the Year

2011 - "Bo" named Academy Horse of the Year by UPHA Chapter 17

2010 - Jim Henderson presented the Frank Kennedy Humanitarian Award

2010 - Angie Ward-Satterfield named UPHA Chapter 17 Ambassador of the Year.

2006 - Amanda Ward presented the Trainer Achievement Award from UPHA Chapter 17

2004 - Audrey & Amanda Ward inducted into the Olde Milton Hall of Fame

2001 - Marvin Ward inducted into the ASHAG Hall of Fame
1999 - Marvin Ward inducted into the Southeastern Charity Horse Show Hall of Fame
1997 - Marvin Ward presented the Trainer Achievement Award from UPHA Chapter 17